ca smart
The PollView Solution Family

PollView Advanced™

Your managed data transport and retail polling solution. Offering totally automated and scheduled data transport to a wide variety of O/S platforms over dial-up, RAS, WAN, and LAN infrastructures. Get "At a Glance Management" with its WorldView and Explorer interfaces. Systems management tools may be added selectively to meet your specific needs.

PollView Enterprise™

Designed specifically for retailers PollView Enterprise offers everything in PollView Advanced plus a specially priced suite of remote systems management tools including remote control, software delivery, asset management, network and event management, and storage management.

PollView Express™

All inclusive automated data transport system for those requiring only a single administration workstation.

The PollView Solution Family, PollView Express, PollView Advanced, and PollView Enterprise have been certified ca smart™ with Computer Associates' CA-MLINK, Unicenter 3.0 Network and Systems Management and Enterprise Polling Bundle Suite.

All PollView solutions are built upon the rock solid foundation of CA-MLINK that provides PollView's data transport scheduling engine and error free transport technology. PollView enhancements to this foundation include a refined interface based on our 16 years of data transport experience, managed FTP transfers, support for RAS dial environments, right click in-context management, administrative security via roles, advanced reporting, and other management aids.

PollView Advanced and PollView Enterprise provide powerful, enhanced management through tight integration with both the Unicenter Worldview map and the event management console. Operator ease of use is assured since all of PollView's data transport objects are represented in the Worldview map and permit right click in-context management. Quickly see the status of data transfer sessions as remote systems' icon colors reflect the latest activity. Unicenter's powerful event management engine enables powerful automation of desired actions based on data transport "events." Specially formatted and easily parsed data transport event messages are written to the console and are ready for actions to be configured. Actions range from simply changing a message's color or sending a page/email to more complex correlations. And since all Windows O/S events are consolidated into the console, management of the PollView server machine is simplified.

By adding optional Unicenter agents and other components the entire remote infrastructure can be managed. If just one or two options are desired they may be selectively added to PollView Advanced. The specially priced PollView Enterprise, designed especially for retailers, provides a RightPriced™ bundle of selected Unicenter Options and Agents.

See how the PollView Solution Family fits together

For more information on PollView eXpress

For more information on PollView Advanced

For more information on PollView Enterprise

All product and service names listed on this and any other pages of this site are either registered trademarks or service marks or common law trademarks or service marks of Computer Associates International, Inc., or G & Z Systems, Inc.,. All other product names referenced herein are trademarks or service marks of their respective companies.

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